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» Norsk Jazzforum
Homepage of Norwegian Jazzforum

» Fersk Lyd
Mastringstudio for most Curling Legs releases. Also for selected recording sessions.

» NorCD
Norwegian label specializing in modern and folk-related jazz

» Jørn Skogheim
Homepage of the innovative and brilliant guitarist.

» Molde International Jazzfestival
The largest international jazzfestival in Norway

» Jacob Young
Jacob Young website

» Jazz To Jazz
International Jazzweb

Norwegian Independent Record Company Association

» Grappa
Norwegian record company: pop, classical, Norw. ethnic, ECM representative in Norway

CURLING LEGS RELEASES BY Jon Eberson/Carl Morten Iversen

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  Jon Eberson/Carl Morten Iversen

2nd release from this creative duo: Jon Eberson (guitar) and Carl Morten Iversen (bass). On ´Standard´ they are rendering well-known tunes such as ´Polkadots and Moonbeams´, ´Funkallero´ and others, as well as several originals by Eberson.

CLCD 76 | 2003 | listen and buy
  Jon Eberson/Carl Morten Iversen
Jazz For Men

The two veterans finally made it back together after 20 years. Guitar and bass in a beautiful rendition of great jazz-standards such as:

CLCD 65 | 2001 | listen and buy