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  Jostein Gulbrandsen
Looking Ahead

This quartet is a new project and the third album release from guitarist Jostein Gulbrandsen. Originally from Namsos, Norway, Gulbrandsen has been based in New York since 2001. All the 8 songs are written by Gulbrandsen and are ranging from hard-swinging up tempo’s to calm 3⁄4 ballads. You can still find traces of Gulbrandsen’s Scandinavian background in his music and improvisations, but there is also an element from the hectic and urban New York-lifestyle. During the last couple of years, Gulbrandsen has played numerous trio gigs with Mike McGuirk and Mark Ferber and has also worked with Japanese pianist Megumi Yonezawa in several other projects. She is adding another dimension to the group with her sophisticated and harmonically complex playing style.

Jostein Gulbrandsen-guitar 
Megumi Yonezawa-piano 
Mike McGuirk-bass
Mark Ferber- drums
CLCD 165 | 2018 | listen and buy