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» Fersk Lyd
Mastringstudio for most Curling Legs releases. Also for selected recording sessions.

» NorCD
Norwegian label specializing in modern and folk-related jazz

» Molde International Jazzfestival
The largest international jazzfestival in Norway

» Knut Værnes
The official homepage of the Norwegian master of the guitar.

» Steve Dobrogosz
Homepage of the iconoclastic pianist.

Norwegian royalty collection organization

» Ivar Kolve
Norw. vibe-player


» John McLaughlin
John McLaughlin website

CURLING LEGS RELEASES BY Jon Eberson, Bjørnar Andresen, Paal Nilssen-Love

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  Jon Eberson, Bjørnar Andresen, Paal Nilssen-Love
Mind The Gap

All you have to do is to check this album out!

CLCD 66 | 2002 | listen and buy